Would you like the chance to show off your room and win some amazing prizes?
Well, get clicking that camera phone because the #CODERoomGoals competition is now open!
You have one week to take as many amazing photos as you can. You can submit up to 4 photos (entries) in different categories and if you tag a friend in the photo, we will count this as an extra entry. There are a few other “rules” you need to follow too (see below).
In return, you could pocket yourself a first prize worth £225 including a £50 Amazon voucher to spend on whatever you want! There is also a runners-up prize of a £15 Amazon voucher. And what’s even better… there are prizes for both Leicester and Coventry up for grabs!
How to enter
- Your photo should fit into one of the following categories:
- A photo view from your window
- A photo of your bedroom
- A photo of your living area
- photo of your kitchen
- You need to upload your image on Twitter or Instagram. You must use your public social profile, tag us (either @codestudents on Twitter, or on Insta @code_students for Leicester or @code_coventry) and add #CODERoomGoals plus your first and last names (as they appear on your Tenancy Agreement) to the post.
- Your photo should be landscape and try in fit in as much as possible of your chosen category.
- You must follow us on Instagram or Twitter.
- To qualify to enter the competition you must be a current CODE tenant for 2019/2020.
The other rules
- The competition ends on Thursday 31st October 11:59pm. Any entries chosen after this date will not be accepted.
- Two first prizes will be awarded. One to a tenant from Leicester and one to a tenant in Coventry. The first prize will consist of the following:
1st prize LEICESTER– Worth £225- £50 Amazon Gift card
- Free room clean for 2019/20, worth £60
- 10 meal vouchers for the CODE Cafe, worth at least £35
- Free 1hr massage, worth £30
- 500 print credits, worth £50
1st prize COVENTRY- Worth £225
- £50 Amazon Gift card
- Free room clean for 2019/20, worth £60
- Hamper, worth £65
- 500 print credits, worth £50
- Two runner-up prizes with be awarded. One to a tenant from Leicester and one to a tenant in Coventry. This will be a £15 Amazon Gift Card.
- The winners will be selected randomly from all entries that meet the rules.
- You MUST include your full name as stated on your Tenancy Agreement.
- You MUST be following us on Instagram or Twitter!
- Tagging a friend in a photo counts as an extra entry. Only one extra entry per photo will be submitted no matter how many friends you tag in the post.
- You MUST submit at least one image of your room to qualify.
- You MUST be a CODE Resident to participate and must currently be living with us for 2019/2020.
- We will contact you using your Twitter or Instagram profile. We will also post the winners on our Instagram/ twitter page.
- If a winner does not respond within 7 days of the first notification, then the winner forfeits the right to claim the prize and we will issue the prize to another winner randomly selected as a backup at the time of the original draw.
- By submitting an image and using the #CODERoomGoals, this will grant CODE Student Accommodation permission to use the images copyright free for any marketing purpose. This includes but is not limited to using the image(s) on the CODE website, social media and printed materials.
- You MUST NOT post inappropriate images. Please note that posting any of the following can result in an immediate disqualification from the competition: any item that is obscene, indecent, offensive or unlawful.
- Please note that if any images contain items that are not permitted in your contract, this will result in an immediate disqualification as well as potential charge due to breaching the terms and conditions of your tenancy. This includes any images containing illegal substances, candles/ incense sticks etc. Please refer to your Welcome Pack (P.g 9) on your Student Portal for the full CODE Do’s & Don’ts.
- Please try to avoid obviously advertising a make/ brand e.g. clothing or food.
- The judges decision is final.